Healing Your Heart From Pet Loss By Tracie Barton-Barrett, MS, NCC, LPC Michelle never wanted to make this decision. She gazed with loving eyes upon her dog, Max, as he lay on his side. Although his tail still gave a quick, uncoordinated wag when he saw her, Max was no longer interested in food or his squeaky toy. Countless memories flooded Michelle’s mind while tears streamed down her face. Max was her companion and listening ear years before she met her husband and had children. Now, she faced the most difficult decision any animal lover has to make. After restless thoughts and sleepless nights, Michelle summoned the courage to make the gut-wrenching call to the veterinarian. What Michelle didn’t anticipate was the deluge of emotions that seemed to knock the wind out of her, including missing a few days from work. Valued Beings The love of my life. My true love. My best friend. My heart dog, cat, horse. My family. My partner. At first glanc...